Obraz tła strony Introduction and dedication

Introduction and dedication

Joanna Boduch-Paw  President,  Sandomierz, April 2020
Joanna Boduch-Paw President

Twenty years ago the efforts of a group of unusual people – who believe in helping others and building a better future by good works – resulted in the creation of the Center for Business Promotion and Entrepreneurship, a non-government (NGO), non-profit organization. The Center, among the first wave of NGOs created during Poland’s transition into a free market economy, developed and survived despite an array of barriers.

Thanks to some smart choices, hard work and good luck, the Center has matured into a fine example of how a “third sector” organization can positively contribute to the continuing economic and social transformation of Poland. The story of the Center’s founding and its development has much to teach us – about how much we are capable of doing ourselves and also about how well-meaning friends can help us.

Key elements of what helped us succeed are:

  • long-term committed partners and supporters
  • dedicated employees, teamwork and a good working environment
  • trust and honesty
  • clear focus on mission and goals
  • being a learning organization.

We continue to draw strength and lessons from our history. On this occasion of our twentieth anniversary, we decided formally record and humbly share that with others in Poland and elsewhere in the hope that you can learn from our successes, and our failures, and join us in our continuing efforts to help people live up to their potential.


Joanna Boduch-Paw
Sandomierz, April 2020

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pl. Ks. J. Poniatowskiego 2 27-600 Sandomierz
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fundacja@opiwpr.org.pl 15 833 34 00, 501 837 619
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